“Bus Chassis Builders of New Zealand”. ISBN 978-1-927329-07-5.
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56 pages, of which 20, including the covers, are printed in full colour. A4 format, staple bound.
The vast majority of the many thousands of buses that have seen service in New Zealand have been fitted with overseas-built chassis. Locally-built chassis have been in a tiny minority – between 1934 and the present, eight local companies have delivered a total of just 370 bus chassis. In telling the story of these companies and their chassis, this well-illustrated book sets out to provide a unique insight into a seldom-reported aspect of New Zealand’s industrial and transport heritage.
Designline (originally located in Ashburton, currently in Rolleston)
Kiwi Bus Builders (Tauranga)
Mount Cook-Denning (Christchurch)
NDNZ (Auckland)
Norcoach (Dargaville)
North Shore Transport (Auckland)
Passenger Transport Co (Auckland)
Wade Motors (Hamilton)
Note: Mount Cook-Denning, North Shore Transport & the Passenger Transport Co were also operators and their bus building activities are given addition coverage in our related title “Operator Bus Builders”.